IČO – company registration number : 54342481
DIČ – Tax ID (VAT reg. no.) : 2121795654
Company Headquarters: Priemyselno-Inovačný klaster Bodva – Bodva Industry and Innovation Cluster
Budulov 174, 04501 Moldava nad Bodvou, Slovakia
The Interest Associations of Legal Persons, non-profit organization.
Representation of institutions in the transfer of materials for local and international cooperation in the field of innovation, research and technology transfer to local companies (manufacturing companies), through the use of advanced materials, production methods and functional components.
Main aims to encourage regional (Slovakian) decision-makers to increase their collaboration and partnering within the most advanced innovation ecosystems in the world. Europe needs more partnering with collaborative power, creative thinking, eco-systems thinking, synthesis, and a stronger focus on outcomes and impact.